👨‍🌾 Yield Sources

Yield sources generate yield for prize pools.

A Yield Source contract is used by a Yield Source Prize Pool to generate yield for prizes.

See the Specification on Github

The yield source just needs these properties:

  • The deposit asset is the same as the asset that accrues. I.e. if users deposit Dai into the yield source, then it should yield Dai as well

  • Yield must always be increasing. The mechanics of the Prize Pool require yield to always go up, as it's a no-loss system. The yield source must protect depositor's collateral.

There are implementations for all of the major yield sources:

  • Compound

  • Aave

  • Yearn

  • More!

See the full list here

Yield Source Interface

The yield source interface is very simple; it just needs to support four functions:

/// @title Defines the functions used to interact with a yield source.  The Prize Pool inherits this contract.
/// @notice Prize Pools subclasses need to implement this interface so that yield can be generated.
interface IYieldSource {

  /// @notice Returns the ERC20 asset token used for deposits.
  /// @return The ERC20 asset token
  function depositToken() external view returns (address);

  /// @notice Returns the total balance (in asset tokens).  This includes the deposits and interest.
  /// @return The underlying balance of asset tokens
  function balanceOfToken(address addr) external returns (uint256);

  /// @notice Supplies tokens to the yield source.  Allows assets to be supplied on other user's behalf using the `to` param.
  /// @param amount The amount of `token()` to be supplied
  /// @param to The user whose balance will receive the tokens
  function supplyTokenTo(uint256 amount, address to) external;

  /// @notice Redeems tokens from the yield source.
  /// @param amount The amount of `token()` to withdraw.  Denominated in `token()` as above.
  /// @return The actual amount of tokens that were redeemed.
  function redeemToken(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256);


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